Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm such a slacker on this blog. I just have so much going on it's hard to keep up with everything. I finally broke down and got a treadmill. It's just so hot here there is no way I can do the long runs outside, and it's to hard to get away to go down to the gym with Warrick. So when he naps I'll be doing my running which makes it a little easier. I wish I could say I have been doing more, but I've really just been running. I know this will sound lame but, I have a piliates reformer on the way from the states. I wish we could make a CF set up here, but it just won't happen in the apartment. I've got my KB and DB's so that will have to do for now. I miss lifting heavy. I can't even imagine how weak I've gotten.

1 comment:

Claire said...

I'm feeling lame lately too D. I miss CF so much but just don't have a place to do it well. I'm lifting with a bar and weights but can only get to 100lbs and don't have good space. Excuses, excuses, but for now, running is the focus. Thinking I'll revamp after the 1/2. I do 8 miles this Saturday.. that'll be the farthest I've ever run. Here's hoping my hips and knees survive!

Glad you got the treadmill!!