Thursday, January 29, 2009

Elizabeth with Power Cleans

85# 7:31 (pr)

*first time using 85 previous time was 7:30 with 75.

I take way too many breaks I need to learn to push through the suck better. I wish I had Michelles drive...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thrusters: 7x1 55,65,75,85,95,100,105(pr),110(F)

*Was happy to get the 105, but REALLY wanted to get 110. I even made Tun stay and watch me thinking might give me the extra motivation but I was a couple inches off tried 3xs. Hopefully I'll get it next time.

37g Carbs, 137g Protein, and 1124

Monday, January 26, 2009

CJ: 7x1 55,65,75,85,95,105 (only clean), 105(f)

Happy I was finally able to PC 105. I'm feeling pretty beat down glad tomorrow is a rest day.

* I ate 2 oatmeal cookies today (non carb day) had to fess up to that to clear my conscious. Other than that my eating has been going well. I have upped my calories and focusing on getting enough protein. I haven't been putting the info down because I have still been eating after I post.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Barbara: 7:29, 7:40, 8:09, 8:25, 9:26

Kips were weak, and push ups... well that is a chink in the armor for me for sure. I always hit muscle failure. And I wish I could say they were all legit chest to the ground push ups but quite a few were not. I was down to singles each round. I guess I have to go back to adding parellette push ups in my warm up again. UGH!!! Nice job everyone... And yes Tammy those numbers are correct :) That wasn't much fun...

Saturday, January 24, 2009


CFT: 502 (PR)

BS: 155,160,165(f)
DL: 185,225,255(PR)

:) I can't believe I finally broke 500!

*Need to keep doing the BS21 I think that will help me a lot on getting my BS numbers up to par.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

9/12,10/12, 9/11, 9/10, 8/12 = 45/57
Went up 15# on BP, but dropped 7 reps in pull-ups really need to focus on pu again.

BS 21 45-150# went up 5 lbs this time and it felt pretty good. Next time I'll try to make it to 155.

CFE 40/20 x5

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SP: x1 45,55,65,75,80,85(PR)
PP: x3 65,75,85,90,95 x1 100,105,115(f)
PJ: x5 55,65,75,85,95 x1 105,110,115, 120(f)

I think those numbers are correct I'm too lazy to go back down and look. Happy to finally get 85 on SP :)

113g protein, 30g carbs, and 1041 calories. I really need to put more effort into getting more calories.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr. Joshua

31:24 135# DL and 500m Row.

Well over all that sucked. Oddly I think the rowing was the worst part for me. The first two rounds my abs were screaming on the GHD after that wasn't too bad I just couldn't push through had to break them up in 10. I was breaking up the DL but not too much I guess I should go up in weight next time. I just hope this doesn't come up again for LONG time. Here's my sweat angel to show that was a beat down workout for me.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

HPC: 7x1 65,75,80,85,90,95,100 (f),100
BP: 7x3 45,55,65,75,85,95,100

CFE: 10:5x20 Yuck!

I am STILL sore from that thruster/ghd workout. I am really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. My elbow was bothering me today which really sucks. I know it's from slacking on my pull ups and then jumping back in. Hopefully doesn't last a long time like it did before...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

SP: 5x3 45,50,55,60,65 x1 70,75(f)
SJ: x1 65,75,85,95,100,105,110,115(f)

Yesterdays CFE C 2 1 min on 1 off x9

I hope I can walk tomorrow today it was a struggle being so sore!

Carb day I didn't keep track of anything today, I actually didn't eat much. HOWEVER, I did have a slice of Godiva Choc Cheesecake at B&N today it was rich but yummy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Early Day.

I figured I would get my workout over with early since I have to pick up Rick tonight.

That was a nasty workout. I had to keep stopping and take deep breathes so I wouldn't throw up. All that motion on the GHD and even the swings on the kipping I felt horrible. Not a good workout if you get motion sickness. The thrusters surprising felt fine it was everything else that did me in. I started out with the slow and steady approach first round was fine the second and third not so much. Oh well at least its over. Hopefully my tomato face will return to normal before I have to pick up Julia.

35:09 RX'D (female)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rest Day

It was really nice to have a rest day today. My body was beat down from the last couple of cycles. And of course tomorrows doesn't look very good either!

32g Carbs, 116g of Protein and 894 Calories... Low on the calories but I have a sore throat so not much interest in food today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


OHS: 5x3 42,52,62,72,82(2)
HPS: x1 going up 5# 22-77

OK, I SUCK and OHS... I really need to work on my core. I was very impressed with MIchelles PR of 100# that is pretty amazing. I know she will be doing BW OHS before we know it. I am very proud of her improvements over the last few months. Its hard to believe that the bar use to feel heavy and now shes holding 100 # overhead and squatting with it!!

I really need tomorrow as a rest day my body is feeling beat down.

37g Carbs, 127g Protein, and 1329 calories.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am soooo Sore!

10:40 with 85#
155 pound Power clean 15 reps
30 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 12 reps
24 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 9 reps
18 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 6 reps
12 Ring dips
155 pound Power clean 3 reps
6 Ring dips
Decided to get it over with early since gym has been busy at night. Ouch that was tough... I did negatives on the ring dips.

31g Carbs, 98g Protein 1054

* I'm not sure if I had one or two protein drinks today I only put down one just incase... so obviously if i did my protein and calories would be more.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I decided to try Michaels workout today which was
Dead Fran 21-15-9
DL Body weight 130#

UGH I underestimated that one. My pull-ups were sucking after the strength cycle and not working on them. My arms felt like lead on the second set. Good workout I'd like to try that again. Even though I hated every second of it while I was doing it! I can't believe how hard the kips felt...

Also did CFE in the morning with Nat.

36g carbs, 107g protein, and 1167 calories.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I forgot to post yesterday... Today of course I enjoyed a rest day and carb day. I didn't do a good job keeping track of my numbers on the 2 carb days. I didn't go crazy though.

Alt workout 19:45 with 75# BP

*That last round of bench took me forever I was down to singles... I'm really sore today from the bench.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BSx21 50-150 slowly but surely making increase.

Also did the CFE that is actually the only CFE workout I like!

31g Carbs, 109g Protein, 1303 Calories

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rest Day was going to row with Nat but as it got later my desire passed. So decided to take a real rest day.

38g Carbs, 131g Protein and 1251 Calories

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

4 rounds
500m Row
15 Shoulder Press 50#
15 Pull ups

*Nat and I did this at the same time and were taking turns on the pull up bar probably slowed us down a little but not much cause I needed the breaks. Was fun to do same time as her Tun was also doing the WOD and of course kicked our butts. However, my first metcon after strength cycle so I'm happy with it. I think it's funny that we all hate metcons and wish we could just lift heavy every day.

113g of Protein, 36g of Carbs, eek 988 Calories

Monday, January 5, 2009

SP: 45(5),55(3),60(3),65(3),70(3),75(1)

HPC: 65,75,85,90,95,100,105,110(f)

35g Carbs, 138g Protein, and 1051 Calories

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rack Pulls: 135x5 5x3 155,175,205,215,225 x1 235,255,265,275,290(pr)

*Those felt really tough tonight I'm sure I'll be feeling it in the morning.

31g Carbs, 147g Protein, and 1109 Calories.

*My calories have been pretty low lately but not really worrying about that just eating enough to keep me full in grazing mode.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Clean and Jerk Ladder 85# 6 rounds.

BP: 7x3 55,65,75,80,85,90,95 x1 100,105,110

Not perfect on the diet today but not too bad either. 38g Carbs, 118g Protein and 1134 Calories.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Back on Track.

So it's a new year and I've decided I needed to get my eating back on track. No idea what happened... actually I do. I was unable to workout for 30 days started to feel sorry for myself and went back to eating carbs and off the AD. I tried to convince myself I was still on the AD however that was far from true. I could not seem to resist treats which had never been an issue with me the 9 months I had been following the AD. So anyway starting today I am back at square one and inputting everything I eat during the day and also making sure I am drinking enough water. Today was a success I took in 28g of carbs and 135g of protein and only 1177 Calories.

Todays workout

21 Back Squat started at 45# and worked up to 145. Last week when I did this I failed 2xs at 145 today I got 145 so next week my goal is to get to 150. I am willing to be patient with this long slow process, because BS is something I really need to work on.