Monday, June 6, 2011

30 min run earlier no idea of distance. (not far haha)

This evening short incline walk as a warm up.

3x5x40 BS Yes that says 40# I'm sure I could have done more, but wanted to start out light since it's been months since I've touched any real weight.

3x5x40 SP (see above)

So pretty much I'm weak and It will be a slow process to get back to anywhere close to where I use to be. Not to mention the fact that they only have fixed weights that go up to 105# Ugh...


Natalie said...

nice D! how did you feel after that ! i ran a mile today and thought theres no way i can do the half lol ive been doing more but i tried to run this mile as fast as i can lol

...Yvonne said...

come back to blogging :) you're one of my biggest motivators!