Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sorry, I have been MIA on my blogging. I'm still keeping up with the half marathon training. I really dislike running on a treadmill. Last night I ran/jogged 3 miles. It wasn't pretty.

I've been doing radom KB stuff and that is about it unless I play around with the lame equipment in the lame gym here. I've been walking less because of the heat. Which means I need to start doing something else to make up for that. We have been going swimming more often which is good. I'm about as good of a swimmer as I am a runner. My cardio just sucks. I miss having big weight to throw around to make me feel better when I sucked at the cardio.

1 comment:

...Yvonne said...

I'm sure you're doing just fine :) Some people are just born to be fit/healthy! And you're for sure one of those people.