Monday, May 25, 2009

50 Push Ups broken up in sets of 5. We were at the hotel gym and I was playing around with the machines. I had actually forgotten how to use them. I tried out the leg press and got to 300# hahahha. If only I could squat that much.


Natalie said...

NICE! thats awesome D, its making me wanna go squat heavy today instead of my modified version of Barbara

D. Frazier said...

I said Rick take a pic for Nat if I get this 300... of course I would have rather he taken it from the side so you could see the stack of weights at top hahhaa. BS sounds good..... Barbara not so much.

Natalie said...

just checking out your form!!! lol chest to the ground D im still really impressed.

D. Frazier said...

Nat, I started laughing cause pretty soon it's going to be belly to the ground hahaha.