Wednesday, December 23, 2009

7500k row at a very leisurely pace 42:22 which finished off the 100k!! Going to take the next 4 days off and then start a strength cycle see if I can regain all this loss strength. I'll be glad to get back to lifting weight instead of rowing. I'm hoping that by summer my numbers will be back to where they were and hopefully higher.


Anonymous said...

Starting it..I start my new job on Monday but I will be there in the evening:) I finished my 100K this morning!!! I'm gonna need the 4 days of rest!

D. Frazier said...

I hear ya all that rowing was tough. I'm looking forward to lifting and actually getting back to eating right. I gained 4# back with eating all this junk food! Back to the AD for me. Will be interesting this time around because before I didn't need to loose weight just wanted to get stronger. This time I need both hahaha.

Natalie said...

D youll get there quick and your always happy and strong on AD why do we keep texting the waters lol! As for me well its gonna be a long road to recovery my shoulder feels great but i can hardly lift anything on that arm its depressing! Ill get there, who know maybe ill have really big shoulder's one day lol