Saturday, October 24, 2009

DL: 7x1 95,105,115,125,135,145,155

*Obviously stayed pretty light, but haven't DL in months so wanted to see how it felt. I know I am a far cry from my PR, so didn't even want to attempt to go heavy.

I told myself I would not DL or BS till after my 6 week check up to make sure everything was back to normal. However, I obviously lack self control. Warrick is 3 weeks old today.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you DL'ed! I would be so scared and afraid of hurting again to DL. So, did you ever give yourself a break? I guess hanging out in a gym all day it is tough to not want to play too.

D. Frazier said...

Meagan, for 2 weeks I didn't step foot in the gym. Then I made the mistake of going in and got the itch to do something. My pr is 260 on DL so really didn't go heavy at all for me. I'm going to hold off on the BS till after my check up seeing as I suck at the BS anyway not like I'm too worried about falling too far behind on that lift. I'm probably a bad influence so don't feel you have to follow me after you have the baby it's probably best to wait 4-6 weeks off.

Natalie said...

Thats's good D,, dont forget you did allot more Upper body strenght and you have that muscle memore i think because you were preggos we naturally were avoinding the DL for the squatting and the core pressure, in no time im sure you'll be back up there cant wait to be meat head with you again. Might be awhile for me but theres alway something with me and you that puts us in the same situation lol