Sunday, September 14, 2008

Off the Market

My sister and Drew tied the knot this weekend so we were away for that. The wedding was nice and Kat was beaming nice to see her so happy. We did zero workouts we planned on going for a long bike ride but that didn't work out. The traffic was insane because of some car show that was going on. We had a good time did get to go to the movies and was nice to just hang out. Because of travel I had an extra carb day I'll probably only get one this coming weekend to make up for it... well see. Today I was tired so only did bench obviously I need to work on that since we now have a female that can do BW for the workout. I was happy to get BW once! Always something to work on. I only did todays burpees of 45 I should have made up for the 2 days missed but I just didn't feel like it.


Natalie said...

ohhh she looks beautiful

Michelle said...

Glad the trip went well. I agree with Nat, you two sisters are hotties!