Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting diet back on track.

I have been slacking on being strict on the AD not sure when, why or how that happened. Of course because of that I have gained a few unwanted pounds. Today I have decided to get back on track I'm going to do the low carb through the weekend to get my body back where it's suppose to be. I also need to get better at eating more often through out the day. Today was pretty successful I consumed 37g of carbs and 126g of protein. I really believe that the increase amount of protein is the key. Of course I don't eat enough so I have to supplement I am drinking 2 protein drinks a day. My weakness is coffee! I was only planning on 2 cups today but tonight I caved and had a 3rd which is what put me over the 30g limit.

PC: 55(3), 65(3),75(3),80(2),85(2),90,95,100,105(f)
PS: 7x1 32,42,52,62,67,72,77

Abmat 3x25
Tabatta Row

Something is wrong with my wrist well more like the thumb area. I went to do squat cleans with only 55# and it hurt so bad I dropped the bar. For some reason it's the extra rotation I could handle the power cleans even though it was still painful just not as much as when I tried to do the SC. It has been bothering me for some time now however not so much that it affected my lifts. I'm going to try to get a better wrist wrap and see if that helps.

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