Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New Shoes

Well yesterday when I was rowing I felt like something was wrong with my lower back and it was only on one side. Today it pretty much felt the same all day. Usually I don't mind being sore however when it's only on one side makes me a little nervous. I was going to take a complete rest day, however I got my new weightlifting shoes in and I couldn't pass up trying them out. I decided to do split jerk I worked up to 105 I tried for 110 my old PR however I failed. Although since I was only 5# off my old max and not 10# I was pretty happy with that. Slowly regaining my strength. I took a hot bath hoping that would help my back but no such luck so I guess well see how I feel after the rest day. I think the shoes are pretty cute compared to the other lifting shoes out there.


Michelle said...

they are cute...what do weightlifting shoes do? (I'm not being sarcastic)

D. Frazier said...

Hey Michelle check this out for explanation. Basically everyone keeps saying you need them will help with squat and olympic lifts.
