Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Going stir crazy...

Ok so this is officially really starting to suck! It was killing me being in the gym today and not being able to workout. When I finally get the all clear from the doctor I am going back into a strength phase. Which of course is my favorite! However, this time around I am going to try to incorporate the CF endurance mixing it up between the running and the rowing. I also plan on doing at least one nasty metcon a week. And I am going to be much stricter with my diet really sticking to the 30g of carbs during the week and cleaner carbs on the weekend. Because, I must admit right now I am laying here eating popcorn! And I believe once I start that cycle I will post what I eat. Even though I told rick "no one cares what you eat" when he was posting his food log on his blog.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

when i see you tomorrow remind me to pick your brain about your strength phase...wondering if I should do something like that