Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Rest Day

I had a rather relaxing rest day. I went to the movies with Jess, Hunter and Julia. And for the first time I actually cheated on the AD I ate popcorn at the movies, because I have no self control and popcorn is my favorite treat. And then later on took Julia to Nashville and she wanted Taco Bell and I figured why not I already messed up today. I was going to not have carbs on Friday but I'm just going to chalk today up as a cheat day and stick with the schedule. I came home and there were so many times on the board. People really need to take a rest day once in awhile it's important to recover. However, I recall the days when I hated rest days felt like I was slacking took me awhile to enjoy rest days and think of them as just as important as the workout days.


Natalie said...

Hey D

I think its ok to cheat once in awhile bt not liek me every second day, but at least ive been maintaining. Your looking great women

Michelle said...

I can't believe popcorn is your favorite treat...what about the ice cream smothered in chocolatey, caramely goo

D. Frazier said...

Nat you are funny you probably are getting less carbs than you think. And thanks for the compliment I felt like gross fat pig after eating the carbs. It's crazy carbs taste so yummy but make me feel so blah.

Michelle yeah I'm wacky I love popcorn I would eat it everyday if I could. And I would take it over ice cream in a second... cheesecake well thats another story!